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Government Of Assam Information Technology Assam Electronics Development Corporation Ltd.(AMTRON)

What We Do

  • With over more than two decades of experience in delivering solutions in Telecom and IT domain, AMTRON has been credited with being one of the pioneer software service providing companies in Northeast India way back in 1984. Today, AMTRON has become almost indispensable for any IT activity in the region, be it for consultancy, design, standardization or taking up turn key projects for development of IT infrastructure in the NE Region.

    AMTRON has been providing solutions and developing software for various organizations of Northeast India using open source technologies. With a dedicated team of professionals who develops and provides solutions for VoIP technology, it has developed technological solutions for many using VoIP in organizations.

    Vision and Mission

    The central mission of AMTRON is to offer a wide range of quality software services to the people of Northeastern region. For the last few years, it has played a significant role in offering technology and services to organizations, so as to maximize competition and grow market share. Its easy integration makes any project cost effective and viable, making it a vital force in the electronics scenario of Northeast.  

    Present Activities

    Manufacturing of White Goods

    AMTRON through its 100% subsidiary, AMTRON Informatics (India) Ltd., incorporated in March, 2002, started manufacturing activities in August 2002, undertaking assembly of white goods, electronics, and IT products. The material was supplied to AIIL by established industry players (OEMs) like Onida, Fedders Lloyd, Sansui, Akai etc. 

    AIIL used to get a conversion charge from the OEMs, who would then buyback the products from AIIL, for onward sale to consumers mainly in the North-Eastern region. A revenue of about Rs. 120 lacs was clocked in about 3 years.  

    However, the exemption granted to AIIL on sale of finished products was withdrawn in 2005, due to which OEMs ended their arrangement with AIIL. 

    The key activities of AMTRON, at present, are :

    1.IT Nodal Agency for NeGP projects: AMTRON is the State Nodal Agency to implement NeGP projects in the State on behalf of the IT Department. Some of the projects implemented are as follows:

    a.State Wide Area Network: AMTRON has implemented the StateWide Area Network, to connect 184 PoPs in Assam with 2 Mbps links. This network is being used by PWD, Treasury, Election, District administration, NRC etc. 

    b.Common Services Centre: AMTRON had implemented the Common Service Centre Project in the State, whereby about 2500 CSCs had been operationalized as an interface between the Government and Citizen. 

    c.State Data Center: AMTRON is in the process of designing and implementing the State Data Center. 

    d.State Portal & State Services delivery Gateway: AMTRON had implemented the State Portal and a gateway for flow of all G2C services and integration with National Service Delivery Gateway.

    e.E-District: Amtron has been instrumental in launching the e-District project in the State, which is presently providing 46 G2C services. Till date, more than 8 lac service applications have been received through e-District.

    2.Computer education: AMTRON through its 6 centers and 85 franchisees has been conducting various IT courses under its own brand name and NIELIT. Also under Rajiv Gandhi Computer Education Program (RGCEP), computer education is being imparted to school students in more than 2200 schools from class VI to XII. Also, District Computer Centers are being operated in 23 districts to impart various levels of IT training. 

    3.GIS: AMTRON has key expertise in GIS. Through its state of art GIS Centre services are being offered to the Government on various projects. AMTRON is also involved in the Micro-zonation study of the Guwahati region under a project of the Department of Science & Technology, Government of India. DIT, Govt. of India has also sponsored a project through AMTRON recently.

    4.Transport Computerization Project with SMART Card: AMTRON has been entrusted with the task of printing of Smart Card based Driving License (DL) & Registration Certificate (RC) in 25 districts of the State. Amtron has been executing the project since March, 2008 and has till date printed more than 18 lacs RCs and 10 lac DLs.

    5.Internet Service Provider: AMTRON has been providing Broadband Internet Service since 2002, with a current user base of more than 1000 users through a network of franchisees throughout the State, under the brand name MagicSurf. 

    6.Mini Data Centre: AMTRON has been operating a Tier 2 Data Centre in its premises which houses the servers of more than 55 departments/ project 

    7.IT Division: AMTRON caters to hardware, software, manpower requirements of various Government Departments, agencies, PSUs, and their schemes on a need basis. AMTRON conducts the e-tendering process also to meet the procurement requirements of a number of departments and projects.

    Besides these, AMTRON maintains the CMs Portal, conducts recruitment and examination for Government Departments, implements the AnundoramBorooah Award Scheme for the Education Department etc.