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Government Of Assam Information Technology Assam Electronics Development Corporation Ltd.(AMTRON)

RGCLP & ICT at School Scheme

  • Rajiv Gandhi Computer Literacy programme (RGCLP)

    RGCLP was introduced by the Government of Assam in the year 2003 for providing free computer education to the students of class-V to class-X of the Government schools. The project was running in 1610 Higher Secondary/ High School and High Madrassas of Assam, benefiting more than 10,00,000 students every year. This scheme was transferred to Education (Secondary)Department from the year 2012-13.

    The project was initiated in phase-wise manner, which is depicted below:

    ICT at School Scheme

    ICT at School scheme, an initiative of the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) under Government of India, was launched in the year 2009 in 641 High Schools across Assam.

    As ICT at School scheme did not have certain components which were in RGCLP, the Government of Assam has decided to leverage the funding assistance under the ICT at School scheme to expand the RGCLP Phase IV model, ensuring delivery of all the components under the ICT at School scheme along with all the inbuilt benefits of the RGCLP. Hence, ICT at School scheme was implemented in 641 Government High Schools in Assam in the name of ICT at School/RGCLP Ph.-V. Additionally, ICT at School scheme has been implemented in another 2209 schools under the revised guidelines of MHRD, Government of India from the year 2012.

    RGCLP and ICT at School scheme are implemented in the schools as per the list provided by the Government of Assam:

    Nos. of school covered:3532
    Nos. of teacher trained:1,00,180
    Nos. of student covered:1,32,74,850
    Nos. of ongoing school under ICT at school scheme:2209